Calumet Park Field House

The Calumet Park Field House, styled in the Beaux-Arts tradition, was envisioned by Chicago’s South Park Commission in 1903 and finally realized in 1924. Its design, crafted by in-house architects of the South Park District in the early 1920s, draws inspiration from previous field house concepts, notably one by Edward Bennett. Noteworthy for its early use of exposed aggregate ("popcorn") concrete, the building features exterior bas-relief panels by sculptor Frederick Hibbard and interior murals from the 1930s by Tom Lea.

Recognized as a National Register site and designated a Chicago Historic Landmark in 2003, Calumet Park underwent assessment by Nurture. Their evaluation revealed deterioration in the shingle and low-slope roofing, wood decks and rafters, copper-lined gutters and downspouts, and concrete walls. Construction plans and specifications were developed, outlining extensive repairs to structural exposed aggregate concrete, replacement of roof decks and rafters, installation of new shingle and low-slope roofing systems, and the upgrading of sheet metal drainage assemblies. All work adhered meticulously to the Secretary of the Interior’s Guidelines for Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings, with construction oversight provided by Nurture.