Cook County Branch Courthouses

Nurture's comprehensive plan for the modernization of Cook County Branch Courthouses (#43/44 Flournoy, #35/38 111th St., #23/50 Grand) focuses on enhancing user experiences, security, and accessibility. With an emphasis on thoughtful phasing and strategic scoping, we aim to transform these buildings into secure, accessible, and efficient spaces for both visitors and employees.

Our approach incorporates the installation of new entrance and exit doors, upgraded lighting fixtures, ceilings, and floor finishes, aligning with existing Cook County standards. Critical security measures involve the installation of advanced surveillance systems, intercom integration, and controlled access points to ensure detainee safety and building security. Additionally, our team will conduct a comprehensive assessment of elevators and associated equipment, guaranteeing optimal functionality and safety throughout the buildings.

Each courthouse requires comprehensive updates spanning multiple square feet. However, the emphasis is on enhancing building finishes, security, and accessibility without major floor plan alterations. Nurture will implement these changes while maintaining Cook County operations and addressing specific location-based challenges. We engage with strategic scoping during the Assessment Phase, delineating program boundaries and planning phased construction.

The focus is on addressing unique challenges at each location, ensuring accessibility compliance, secure sally port designs, and efficient vehicular flow. Existing documentation aids in planning, ensuring accuracy and expediency in execution; collaboration with county security representatives guarantees seamless integration of security systems.